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Breast Milk Comes Out While Not Breast Feeding


Category : Womens Issues

Normally breast milk is produced when a woman has been through the 9 months pregnancy period and gives birth to a baby. However in certain conditions, to some women, it may come out even though they are not breastfeeding or pregnant. Pregnancy and breastfeeding are related to each other. However, breast milk does not always come out after pregnancy. In many cases it comes out of women who are not breastfeeding or giving birth. This condition is possible to sexually productive women at the age of 16 to 40 years old. Although it is considered not a serious issue, it may cause weariness and surprise.

There are some reasons why breast milk comes out without being through the stage of lactation or pregnancy:

1. Imbalance hormone
In her life time, women experience various stages of changes in her hormone levels. When this happens, her body reacts and response to the stages in different ways. One of them is breast milk comes out when the woman is not getting pregnant or breastfeeding. This is caused by the increased of prolactine hormone above its normal level.

2. Miscarriage
To some women, miscarriage may also affect the breast milk to come out although she is not breastfeeding. This is possible because the miscarriage may be followed by certain hormonal changes that cause the milk out.

3. Drug
Certain drugs can stimulate the breast milk to come out. The drug is normally inhibits dopamine and increase the production of prolactine. The increase of prolactine will eventually causing a woman to produce breast milk though she is currently not breastfeeding.

4. Herbal Plants
Eating certain herbs may also induce milk ejection, even without pregnancy. For example, fennel, kelabat, anise seeds, cumin, katuk leaves and some other types of vines.

5. Stimulation to the nipple
Even though not in the stage of nursing or pregnant, regular stimulation to the nipples can be responded by women’s brain as the signal to start producing breast milk. It may come out of a woman who is not currently pregnant. This method can be done by mothers who want to breast feed their adopted children.

This process is started with nipple stimulation, then someone uses breast pump to pump her breast every 3 hours starting approximately 2 months before a person can expect to breastfeed. This stimulation encourages the production and release the prolactine hormone.

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